Request for Position Info on Technology Licensing Managers Michelle Johnson 03 Jun 1999 10:12 EST

Hi! My name is Michelle Johnson and I am a Personnel Analyst at the
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.  The University of Arkansas is
currently reviewing the classification of a  position in our Research and
Sponsored Programs Department that is responsible for managing and directing
the office of technology and licensing.  I am interested what position title
and salary are being used in other educational institutions for positions
performing comparable work.  Specifically, I would like to know the position
title (working title and state title if applicable),  salary range for the
position, minimum salary and maximum attainable salary, the title of the
position to whom the Technology Licensing Manager reports,  approximate
dollar amount of budget responsibility, number of positions supervised, and
approximate number of inventions, patents, and patent applications currently

Here's some details about our position that may assist you in evaluating
whether or not your position is comparable to ours:

Our position reports to the Director of Research & Sponsored Programs and is
responsible for managing a patent cost budget of approx. $100,000 per year.
The position manages a portfolio of several hundred inventions, 55 patents,
and 15 patent applications.  The position is responsible for developing and
implementing a marketing strategy for inventions, technologies, copyrights,
and tangible research properties; and for establishing strong relationships
with potential commercial partners.

Our position is responsible for stimulating disclosure of faculty inventions
and for evaluting inventions to determine viability, commercial potential,
and patentability.  It presents invention disclosures to the University's
Patent and Copyright committee.  The position promotes and facilitates
collaborative research and development between inventors and industry,
establishes confidential disclosure, option, material transfer, and research
agreements between the institution and industry.  Furthermore, the position
supervises the Technology Office Management office to include supervision of
locensing revenue collection accounting and distribution of royalities,
management of patenting cost budget, IP report preparation and presentation,
presentation on IP workshops, communication/assistance to outside patent
counsel.  Last, the position is responsible for patent and technology
licensing management.

Position supervises 2 Graduate Assistants, and in the future is expected to
supervise an Accounting position and a part time secretary.  Our position
requires a Masters degree, prefers a Doctorate degree, and requires 4 to 6
year of prior experience.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide.

Michelle Johnson
Michelle Johnson
Sr. Personnel Analyst
University of Arkansas Human Resources
Classification & Compensation
222 Administration Bldg.
Fayetteville, AR  72701

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