Re: F&A rates for field work Audrey Buck 19 May 1999 11:25 EST

You are not very clear on the "off-campus" bit.  Will the PI actually be off
campus and if so, you will need to calculate approximately how many days.
If it 120s total for the first year or more, then off campus rates should
apply.  You will need to pin the PI down.  I have worked, in the past, with
Archeology PIs and those from Geogology and that is what had to be done in
each instance.

Good luck!

At 10:58 AM 5/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I need to make a decision on appropriate F&A rates for a proposal given the
>following scenario, and I would appreciate your feedback:
>A researcher (plant systematics) is proposing a project (2 years) in which
>he will spend a considerable amount of time (aggregate 5 months in periods
>as long as 2 months and as short as 2 days) in the field collecting
>specimens and data.  These specimens and data are brought back to campus and
>worked with in the laboratory.
>What is the appropriate F&A rate to charge for the field expenses?  Should
>it be the on-campus rate (since the work is based on campus and the trip
>planning and analyses are done on campus), or should it be the off-campus
>If the off-campus rate is deemed appropriate, how does this differ from the
>situation where a researcher travels to a meeting for a week, and presents a
>paper on their research?  Would this activity also fall under the off-campus
>I understand that under the federal guidance, we must properly apportion
>rates between on and off campus activities, even within a single project,
>but I am not certain where to draw the line.  I am interested in any
>references to a regulation pertaining to this issue, institutional policies
>that you may have developed, or opinions that you may wish to convey.
>Thank you for any and all responses.
>Michael J. Warnock, Director
>Sponsored Program Administration
>University of Missouri - Columbia
>310 Jesse Hall
>Columbia, MO  65211
>ph. 573-882-4329       fax 573-884-4078
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Audrey C. Buck
Senior Contract Administrator
Research Services
Phone:  (215) 573 6709
Fax:    (215) 898 9708

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