Does doing small-scale "Training" projects for industry fall into the
area of "work for hire" that could jeopardize a university's non-profit
status? Is the situation different for a foundation that was
established as an auxiliary organization of a university to administer
sponsored projects on behalf of the University?
What Terms and Conditions do you apply to Training of sponsor's
personnel in university facilities using training materials supplied by
industry sponsors?
Does "Analytical Testing" done either as part of educational lab
experiences or as "Student research" fall in the "work for hire"
category? What terms and conditions do you apply to analytical testing
of material, parts, composites, etc. supplied by industry for either
student or faculty testing?
Are your sponsored projects administered through the university or
through an auxiliary organization?
Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
FAX: (805) 756-5466
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