Re: Analytical Services Pam Caudill 11 May 1999 09:59 EST

If faculty are allowed to perform testing services , are you concerned
about unrelated business income tax? or unfair competition?

At 06:59 AM 5/11/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Our faculty are allowed to perform "testing services" ; while the University
>does not encourage this, faculty can perform such tests if it can be shown
>that such services that cannot reasonably be performed commercially
>Since these activities do not constitute "research" (i.e., they do not lead
>to the extension of knowledge or increased effectiveness in teaching), we
>have a special (somewhat lower) indirect cost rate for what are termed
>"other activities".  We have both on-campus and off-campus rates for these
>"other activities".  We process these sponsored activities the same way we
>process research-the same documents are required (transmittal forms,
>conflict of interest disclosures, statements of work, budgets, etc.).
>Lesley K. Cephas, Industry Contract Officer
>UCLA Office of Sponsored Research
>10945 LeConte Avenue
>Los Angeles, CA  90095-1406
>(310) 825-1431 VOICE
>(310) 206-3619 FAX
>        -----Original Message-----
>        From:   Gina Lee Glauser [SMTP:xxxxxx@CLARKSON.EDU]
>        Sent:   Tuesday, May 11, 1999 6:57 AM
>        To:     xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
>        Subject:        Analytical Services
>        Does anyone allow their faculty to perform analytical services
>        (testings) for companies?  If so, how do you process this type of
>        services via your office?, do you havea set rate?, how to set a
>        rate?, do you recover normal o/h?, etc.
>        Thank you in advance for your help!
>        gina
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> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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Pamela S. Caudill
Associate Director, Research Services
University of Pennsylvania
133 S. 36th Street, Mezzanine
Philadelphia, PA  19104-3246
(215) 573-6706
(215) 898-9708 FAX

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