Animals in Field Studies Barbara Gray 30 Apr 1999 09:58 EST

Our IACUC (at a non-medical institution) is looking for model policies,
procedures, and application forms for protocols involving use of
animals  ***in the field***  -- for example, studies involving
collection/trapping of animals; observation, banding, outfitting with
transmitters, specimen collection, etc.; temporary holding of the
animals in cages, aquaria, etc. in the field or transport and temporary
holding in the lab; release or reintroduction to the wild in same or
different habitat areas; and sacrificing of field animals for later
laboratory studies.

If your IACUC has specifically addressed these kinds of animal studies
and you have written policies, procedures, and forms that work well,
would you please either point me to your web site or fax them to me at

As always, thank you!



Barbara H. Gray, Director
Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC  29424
Office:  843-953-5673
Direct:  843-953-5885
Fax:  843-953-6577
Campus Location:  407G Bell Bldg.


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