Re: Modular Grant Budgets
Morgan, Jennifer 29 Apr 1999 09:21 EST
This is addressed in some of the information on the modular page. The take
home message from the meeting in Gainesville was that they do not want to
see variations in modules unless there is a compelling reason. Escalation
would not qualify for this.
Here is what is suggested. Do your extended budget for all years. Divide
the total direct costs by the number of years. Round to the nearest module.
With the usual equipment purchase in the first year, carry over, and
escalation, it should all work out.
Jennifer Morgan, M.H.A.
Director, Office of Grants and Contracts
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health Systems
3811 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh PA 15213
Voice: 412-624-0743 Fax: 412-624-0714
> -----Original Message-----
> From: McMahon, Maureen [mailto:xxxxxx@RESEARCH.BUFFALO.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 4:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Modular Grant Budgets
> We are in the process of preparing the first series of
> modular grant budgets
> for the June 1 deadline. An issue that has arisen is whether
> we can only
> request variation in the number of modules each year in cases
> where there
> are exceptional circumstances such as purchase of equipment.
> We are facing
> situations where a multi-year project has no exceptional
> purchases, only
> standard escalations per year, and yet requesting the same
> number of modules
> each year of the proposed project means we will receive
> substantially more
> or less in direct costs (based on the detailed budget) over
> the course of
> the multi-year project period. This situation would be remedied by
> requesting one module more or less for one or two years of
> the project.
> However, per our reading of the modular grant guidelines, any
> variation in
> number of modules requested must be "well-justified" and reflect
> "substantial changes in expected future activities." This is
> not the case
> with the above example.
> Has anyone else encountered this situation? Your
> input/feedback would be
> appreciated.
> Maureen B. McMahon
> Senior Grant and Contract Administrator
> University at Buffalo
> Office of Sponsored Programs Administration
> Tel: 716-645-2977 ext. 111
> Fax: 716-645-3730
> email:
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