Re: IDC Rate Agreement Lisa Thompson 29 Apr 1999 08:41 EST

Try Brad Quinn at The University of Oklahoma he does training and has
worksheets already set up.  His e-mail is

Lisa Thompson
At 01:41 PM 4/28/99 MST, you wrote:
>Our University uses the simplified method (short form) to calculate
>our indirect cost recovery rate.  I would like to ask if anyone could
>guide us to companies that sell software packages to assist in
>calculating the simplified method.  We have tried David M. Griffith
>and Associates, but would like to contact other places as well.
>Thank you.
>Sherry May
>UNC Research Corporation
>University of Northern Colorado
>Phone:  970/351-1910
>FAX:  970/351-1934
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Lisa L. Thompson
Assistant Director of Research
Office of Research
The University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK  74104-3189

None of us can do great things without help, but we can all  do a small
thing with great love.          "Mother Teresa"

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