Looking for electronic version of HRSA form 6025-2 Glenn Krell 19 Apr 1999 17:59 EST

Hello Resadm'ers,

I've been trying to find an electronic version of the HRSA form 6025-2,
"Detailed Budget for Period Covered by this Application."  I had been
hoping for an interactive version, say in Excel or Word, but since I wasn't
able to find that kind of format I began looking for even a PDF version,
usually available thru the agency.

However! today, the HRSA site of http://www.hrsa.gov/bhpr/download.htm
appears to have some nonoperable links, so I could not even get myself a
PDF version.

So...does anyone know where I can find an electronic version of this form?
Interactive is optimal of course but I'll gladly settle for PDF at this point.
Many thanks in advance,
Glenn Krell

(ps, that website above uses a "feedback" link pointing to a nonoperable
email address for comments!--it directs one's suggestions to the email
address of "xxxxxx@hrsa.ssw.dhhs.gov," and those messages come back with
fatal errors...  Ah, technology!  ;)

Glenn Krell BA, CRA
Grants Coordinator
UCB School of Public Health
Office: 503 Warren Hall
Mail: 140 Warren Hall, M/C 7360
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360
Tel: (510) 642-9206; Fax: (510) 642-9891
Email: xxxxxx@uclink4.berkeley.edu

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