NIH form -Reply Norma Brown 16 Apr 1999 10:27 EST

This is PHS form #3734.  The last one I've seen was revised 1/95.  The official title of the form is "Official Statement Rellinquishing Interests and Rights in a Public Health Service Research Grant."  Your Research Office may have them or you may need to get one from your agency's grants' manager.  You need to fill this form out for your institution to "relinquish" their cliam on the PIs grant back to the agency so that it can be awarded to the new institution.

Norma Brown, MBA
Division Administrator
Division of Infectious Diseases
Washington University
660 South Euclid, Box 8051
St. Louis, MO 63110
voice: (314) 362-2127
fax: (314) 362-9230

>>> Anne Womack <xxxxxx@WM.EDU> 04/16/99 09:56am >>>
Is anyone familiar with an NIH (or DHHS) form called something
like a "relinquishing statement" (or "r. form")?  I have a PI who is
moving to another school but who has two NIH awards in process
also at this time.  I've emailed NIH with the question but so far so

Anne Womack CRA
Director of Sponsored Programs
Grants and Research Administration
P.O. Box 8795
The College of William & Mary
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
(757)221-3967 (phone)
 -4910 (fax)

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