Re: Job of a research administrator Barbara Gray 15 Apr 1999 09:59 EST


> What are the practices at your institution on this?
We generally take the PI's word for it.  We're small enough that we know
who tends to work collaboratively and who doesn't.

> Do you agree that it isn't our job?
Generally, no, I don't think we should be checking all these little
details on all proposals.  Why nit-pick your good play-by-the-rules
productive PIs because one PI messes up?  Frankly, we all get a pretty
good feel how individual PIs operate.  We have many faculty members who
understand the process and have done everything perfectly--and their
proposals barely need a glance before submission.  Then we have the
handful who aren't quite on the up-and-up.  I scrutinize their proposals
much more carefully.  If I had a PI who committed others' time without
their approval one time, you bet I would check with everybody on his
next proposal before signing off.  And if he does it again, I would let
the PI's chair and dean deal with it.   After all, they are putting
their names on the approval, too, and such commitments are impacting
their operations.  And they do the annual faculty reviews!

> Is it no big deal?
I wouldn't make it a big deal.  You aren't committed to the proposed
work until the institution accepts the award.  So just make sure all is
in order before accepting.  If the infractions are really gross, you can
withdraw the proposal before a fuding decision is made.


Barbara H. Gray, Director
Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC  29424
Office:  843-953-5673
Direct:  843-953-5885
Fax:  843-953-6577
Campus Location:  407G Bell Bldg.


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