IRB Reassignment Deborah Walz 01 Apr 1999 16:42 EST

The Chair of our IRB, a faculty member, has requested re-assigned
time for his "heavy load of responsibilities."  I personally think he
deserves it, but our administration wants to know how many other
institutions give a course reduction for chairing IRB or IACUC.

If you do, is it because you have an exceptionally large volume?

Could you please let me know if you do or do not offer re-assigned
time and your volume of research?  You can email me directly at

Thanks for your input!

Deborah S. Walz, Ed.D.        
Office of Sponsored Programs            Phone:  501/450-3451
University of Central Arkansas          Fax: 501/450-5339
201 Donaghey Avenue                     Homepage:
Conway, AR 72035-0001

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