Incentive Programs in General Ruth Tallman 31 Mar 1999 13:32 EST

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask your help on a non-research administration
issue.  It is regarding incentives or policies for employees of your
institution which you see as a real bonus to employees.  I'm on
a committee looking for good programs and fresh ideas.  Examples
which have come up in our discussions are: paying non-exempt
employees for unused sick days, programs which promote "bottom-up"
planning and implementation of organizational changes, formulas for
merit raise increases or bonuses for exceptional job performance which
do not compete with the budget for cost-of-living increases, etc.

I apologize for the unrelated topic, but I don't know a better group to
request for input than the resadm-l!

Please respond to me directly at:


Ruth Tallman
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Lehigh University
phone: (610) 758-3024

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