Re: Ownership of Data on Corporate Contract Cephas, Lesley 24 Mar 1999 10:35 EST

 -----Original Message-----
 From:   Sullivan Diane [SMTP:xxxxxx@NJC.ORG]
 Sent:   Wednesday, March 24, 1999 7:19 AM
 To:     xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
 Subject:        Ownership of Data on Corporate Contract

 In the past we have
 not encountered a sponsor who insisted on ownership of the data vs.
use of
 the data and I was interested to see how other institutions are
 this type of situation.

 It's hard to say how we would handle this in every type of
situation; it would definitely depend in part on how the Principal
Investigator felt about giving up ownership of the data, then it would
depend on the nature of the work (i.e., is it likely that research that the
PI does down the road will somehow incorporate or build upon the results of
the previous work).  We would definitely ask the sponsor why they felt it
necessary to OWN the data, and our willingness to give up ownership would
also depend on that.  Finally, yes, we have on occasion agreed to
contractual provisions that grant the sponsor ownership of the data, but
only as long as we retain for ourselves the right to use the data for our
own internal (e.g., teaching, research) purposes.

 Have you proposed joint ownership of data?  That might be sufficient
to satisfy the sponsor, and that way you could use the data any way you
wanted (and so could the sponsor, if that is their concern. . .).



Lesley K. Cephas, Industry Contract Officer
UCLA Office of Sponsored Research
10945 LeConte Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1406
(310) 825-1431 VOICE
(310) 206-3619 FAX

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