At 07:49 AM 3/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Chuck, If you are still on for being the Taxman, we'll ship stuff off to
>you either Saturday or Monday.
Of course!!
>Life is quite busy here. President has decided to push for grant
>increase. He also gave the methodology: Proposal Writers. So I am
>hiring 2 part-time "grant writers." Actually, they will become a
>pre-award component to the office, with the understanding that their
>continued employment is at will.
In my experience, a grant writer is not much use for "science" or other
disciplinary-specialized research proposal (90% of what VCU does), but can
be quite good at putting together proposals for institutionsl projects.
Only the researcher can communicate both the technical detail and the
enthusiasm needed to sell a research proposal -- though a review/edit for
communication can sometimes help.
Other Chuck
>Enjoy, my 8 oclock appt is here.
>Janet M. Hahn, C.R.A.
>Director, Research & Sponsored Programs phone: 540-831-5479
>Radford University fax: 540-831-6636
>Radford, VA 24142-6926
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