I first saw the Grants Game at the annual SRA conference in Philly last
fall. It was developed by Pam Miller at Southern Illinois Univrsity --
Carbondale. It consists of a game board in the shape of a dollar sign and
17 overheads that present concepts such as doing your homework in terms of
submission eligibility, calling the program officer, asking for critiques,
etc. Players flip a coin and statements are read from the overheads. If
the player flips heads, s/he's done the "right" thing, such as checked on
submission eligibility, and s/he moves forward a number of spaces. If they
didn't bother to check they move back or stay where they are.
I just presented the Grants Game at a brown bag lunch faculty session
yesterday and the participants said they really enjoyed it. The game is
copyrighted, so you need to purchase it from Pam Miller at xxxxxx@siu.edu.
It costs $10 (ten). It's well worth it.
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