Re: Corporate Collaboration Gardner Congdon 18 Feb 1999 09:09 EST

Humongous Entertainment ( in Redmond, WA is one of the
few successful multimedia companies doing educational software for kids.
I believe their focus is on the younger end of the spectrum. They'd be
an excellent place to start. The first line of contact should probably
be an Executive Producer.
Gardner Congdon
Assistant Director, Program Development
Office of Research Administration
Boston College

"Suzette S. Mauney" wrote:
> I have a faculty member that has asked for assistance in
> finding a software company to collaborate on a project. He
> is putting together an application to FIPSE, and is seeking
> the collaboration for this application. I am not sure how to
> direct him. Has anyone provided this assistance for their
> faculty? If so, please send your suggestions my way.  I am
> not sure what sources I should utilize to find someone, or
> even if this is in my area.
> Thank you for any suggestions.
> Text describing his project: His project is to create a
> technically expert software package to encourage learning
> everyday. "An Apple a Day" is the proposed software, a
> personal power learning experience.
> ----------------------
> Suzette S. Mauney
> Appalachian State University
> Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs
> (704)262-2694*fax(704)262-2709
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