Cover pages - response from NSF Ruth Tallman 07 Feb 1999 11:05 EST

In the mist of the discussion regarding sending signed
cover pages/certs to NSF last week, I clicked on "Send
comments to NSF about FastLane" on the bottom of the
FastLane home page and sent in some comments on the
issue.  Following is another response from NSF.  I thanked
Dr. Robinson for sending his reply and suggested he send
queries to RESADM-L to gather opinions/info during their
planning process.  I've also condensed our comments from
last week in one e-mail and sent it off to him (any identifiers
were omitted).

Dear Ms. Tallman,

Thank you for your comments regarding cover pages to FastLane.  I have some
information regarding your questions and inquiries.

First, please understand that NSF has never turned down an award because the
cover sheet was delayed in the regular mail.

Second, we hope to accept FAXed copies of signed cover pages at NSF.  This
capability could potentially be in place by the next release of the GPG.  A
study is also being performed to identify the use of electronic signatures
that may eventually allow complete submissions over the internet.

Third, rules to follow for pre-proposals are being evaluated at NSF.  You do
make a good point here.  [Some programs required signed cover pages/certs
with a preproposal and other programs don't.]

Fourth, in our current system you may submit more than one cover sheet in a
single envelope.

Craig Robinson

Dr. Craig Robinson
Project Leader (FastLane)
National Science Foundation

Ruth Tallman
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Lehigh University
phone: (610) 758-3024

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