1. Criteria for "Major Projects" 2. CAS Compliance at branch campuses
Ancelmo Encinias 05 Feb 1999 20:22 EST
1. I too would like to hear about Criteria for "Major Projects."
2. I work at a land-grant university. Our college is unique and unlike
most of the other main-campus colleges because we also encompass four
two-year branch campuses thorughout the state.
The majority of the sponsored programs funded and administered at these
branch campuses (e.g., adult basic education, Carl Perkins, Voc-Ed,
J.T.P.A, School-to-Work,.....) are either capped (e.g., 5%, 8%, 15%...) or
not allowed to claim any F&A or IDC by the sponsors. The university
negotiated rate for the branches is currently at 44.6%. Unless something
dramatically happens, I do not foresee them claiming anywhere close to the
maximum in the near future.
Historically, the sponsors have approved direct charges of administrative
and CAS-related costs as long as they are consistent with the approved
scope of their respective projects. Neither our college or the branches
generate or have access to much research overhead. This makes it hard
financially if we cannot find ways to justify CAS-related costs.
We have been doing a series of grant and contract administration training
sessions at the branches that ends with a special review of CAS issues and
how to develop justifications. However, as of late it seems that we are
dealing with a "moving target" every time a budget with justifications is
forwarded "up the line" for final review and approval.
Are any of you in a similar situation and if so, what are you doing to ease
the administrative burden?
I wonder, can something be done with the university "CAS disclosure
statement" to recognize the branches as being "unique and unlike" because
of their limited research activities, type of educational programs,
remoteness, etc?
Ancelmo "Sam" Encinias, MPA Phone: 505-646-2063
Contract Administrator Fax: 505-646-6166
College of Health & Social Services E-mail: xxxxxx@nmsu.edu
New Mexico State University
P.O. Box 30001
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001
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