Re: Official signatures and submission dates
Charles E. Graham 05 Feb 1999 12:22 EST
We dont sign the proposal until it is deemed to be compiant with sponsor,
other federal and LSU requirements (especially budgetary), and is
reasonably complete. How else can we ensure we meet these requirements? If
these requirements are met, the interval between signature and FL submision
is immaterial. Unfortunately, faculty rarely give us the luxury of such an
If I interpret your question correctly, the date of print submission is a
deadline, not a required submission date, and I think the print could be
dated any time upto the print submission deadline as long as the FL version
arrives by ITS deadline. However I'm open to correction. Charlie Graham
At 09:06 AM 2/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Because our faculty have the responsibility for copying and mailing
>proposals (and because our "authorized institutional official" has limited
>time available for signing proposals) we often obtain the official signature
>well before the proposal is actually submitted. Even with FastLane
>submission, I'll have the cover page signed many days before I actually
>press the SUBMIT button.
>I'd like to know whether any of you see any problems with this procedure.
>I'm especially concerned about electronic submissions, where the formal date
>of submission may be a week or more AFTER the date on the official signature
>Frances Vinal Farnsworth
>Coordinator of Sponsored Research
>Munford House
>Middlebury, VT 05753
>Tel: 802-443-5889
>Fax: 802-443-2081
* Charles E. Graham, PhD., DSc.
* (alias to [faster])
* Director, Office of Sponsored Research/OSR
* Interim Chair, Institutional Review Board
* 117 David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
* Baton Rouge, LA 70803
* 225-388-8692 FAX: 225-388-6792
* OSR Server:
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