Re: When is a grant a grant?
Herbert B. Chermside 02 Feb 1999 10:39 EST
This sounds like some situations in Virginia, when an "award" comes in as a
budget supplement rather than a payment into resatricted funds.
Grants, contracts, etc. (Agreements) generate indiovidual accounts in the
ledger for restricted funds, and is treated like anything we'd
professionally call a Sponsored Program.. $ that comes in as a budget
ammendment has very different rules.
At 02:27 PM 2/1/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Our institution has a policy of redistirbuting indirect costs to various
>cost centers on campus. This applies to all grants from external sources,
>including state offices. The University is also part of a state system.
>Recently, one of our departments received a "grant" from our system office,
>through a competitive process requiring submission of a proposal. These
>funds are awarded to us as part of the funds we are allocated from the
>system office, not as "separate" funds. My Business Office is saying the
>award is not a grant and the indirect costs policy does not apply. The
>faculty are claiming the same thing and they are claiming that normal grant
>review/submission procedures do not apply.
>Anybody ever have this type of issue come up before? Comments?
>Suggestions? When is a grant a grant?
>Nancy Kay Peterson
>Director of Grants
>Somsen Hall Room 202-C
>Winona State University
>Winona, MN 55987
>Phone: 507.457.5519
>FAX: 507.457.2415
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Comonwealth University
PO BOX 980568
Richmond, VA 23298-0568
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