Sponsored Program Office Staffing
Don Schmigel 01 Feb 1999 17:47 EST
I have been asked to benchmark staffing in our Office of Sponsored
Programs with other organizations. I would appreciate hearing from any
of you who can spare a few moments to respond.
1. Our office provides centralized pre and post-award services to an
investigator faculty of 103.
2. We process between 175-200 applications, of all types, for
extramural funding each year.
3. We currently have 243 funded sponsored projects (research, training
and service/demonstration projects).
4. Current annual funding from federal agencies, pharmaceutical
companies, voluntary health agencies, foundations and intramural
sources is $27.5 million.
5. We use the medical center departments of Human Resources,
Payroll, Accounting and Purchasing, but must review and sign-off on all
documents being processed to these departments from sponsored
program projects.
6. We do not have decentralized grants management personnel at the
department level to support investigators.
7. Our staffing consists of two positions, a Director and a Coordinator,
Grants and Contracts Administration (Assistant Director).
Can you tell me:
1. Number and makeup of your staffing.
2. Approximate current number of funded projects.
3. Approximate current level of annual funding.
4. Approximate number of investigators with whom your office has
face-to-face interaction.
5. Whether you provide both pre and post-award grants management
services. (If not both, which one?)
6. Whether your institution has decentralized sponsored program
(research administration or grants management) services available to
your investigators aside from your office.
Thank you for your help.
Don Schmigel, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Children's Research Institute
Washington, D.C.
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