Re: semi-hypothetical question Farbman, Betty 01 Feb 1999 14:06 EST

Could this be summer salary?  It could be if were a government grant.
Of course you would charge fringe and overhead, but in my experience, this
is greeted positively by the PI.  Don't know about the private source.

Betty Farbman
Teachers College, Columbia University

> ----------
> From:         William Campbell[SMTP:xxxxxx@UWRF.EDU]
> Reply To:     Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent:         Monday, February 01, 1999 12:18 PM
> To:
> Subject:      semi-hypothetical question
> I know a researcher who has found a wealthy private donor to support his
> research.  (An enviable situation, no?)  The donor will pay the
> researcher's
> university for 25% of his time.  No problem there, we all know how to do
> that.
> However, the donor is also willing to pay an additional sum to the
> researcher,
> above and beyond his current salary.   (An even more enviable position to
> be
> in.)
> Question--what's the best way to handle that additional payment?  If the
> donor
> pays it directly to the researcher, the donor cannot deduct it as a
> charitable
> contribution.  If the donor pays it to the researcher's university, he may
> run
> up against overload and fringe benefit issues, though--so far, at
> least--the
> university is willing to count this extra payment as covered by their
> standard
> 'one day a week for consulting' rule.
> What are the other possibilities?
> Regards, Bill Campbell
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