Obviously, funds can be budgeted and used for all sorts of research and
faculty development sorts of expenses, such as travel to meetings
associated with this project or others; computers and other pieces of
equipment; page charges; supplies, technical assistance, office
furniture, etc. To the extent that these things aren't already being
taken care of by donor or anyone else, this makes a lot of sense.
If all of this PI's needs and desires are already being met, I'd be
interested in the answer myself. Janet Hahn
William Campbell wrote:
> I know a researcher who has found a wealthy private donor to support his
> research. (An enviable situation, no?) The donor will pay the researcher's
> university for 25% of his time. No problem there, we all know how to do that.
> However, the donor is also willing to pay an additional sum to the researcher,
> above and beyond his current salary. (An even more enviable position to be
> in.)
> Question--what's the best way to handle that additional payment? If the donor
> pays it directly to the researcher, the donor cannot deduct it as a charitable
> contribution. If the donor pays it to the researcher's university, he may run
> up against overload and fringe benefit issues, though--so far, at least--the
> university is willing to count this extra payment as covered by their standard
> 'one day a week for consulting' rule.
> What are the other possibilities?
> Regards, Bill Campbell
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Janet M. Hahn
Director, Research & Sponsored Programs
Radford University
Radford, VA 24142-6926
tel: 540-831-5479
fax: 540-831-6636
Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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