Dear colleagues -- I may be making a nuisance of myself a couple of times
over the next few weeks, but I really need some help.
Here's today's request: If you have conducted a faculty survey to determine
level of research activity and/or needs/barriers to research, would you
please share the tool? Today I committed to having a draft instrument to my
advisory council by February 15 -- because I knew I could do it (from a
standing start) with your help. Although I could handle Word 6.0 or
forwarded e-mail surveys (to xxxxxx@STTHOMAS.EDU), my preference would be
to receive FAX copies at 651-962-5406 (it's not my office, so it would help
if you write "for Elaine" on it someplace).
(And I'll pay back a bit with a pretty interesting roster of policy web
sites in a few weeks, thanks to those who responded to my earlier request
for URLs and hard copy for the NCURA Region IV meeting.)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Elaine M. Lilly, Ph.D. ** Faculty Grants Coordinator
* * * University of St. Thomas ** Mail #5045 * * *
* * 2115 Summit Avenue ** St. Paul MN 55105-1096 * *
PH 651-962-6038 FAX 962-5406 **
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