Re: WSDE Carry Forward Evelyn Ford 26 Jan 1999 13:20 EST

See --

 On September 27, 1996, the Department announced the applicability of
 revised Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-21, "Cost
 Principles for Educational Institutions," revised by OMB in the
 Federal Register of May 8, 1996, (61 FR 20880), and A-133, "Audits
 of Institutions of Higher Education and Other Non-Profit
 Institutions," revised by OMB in the Federal Register of April 30,
 1996 (61 FR 19134).  The revised Circulars are applicable to new and
 continuation grants and subgrants awarded on or after October 1, 1996.
 The text of the Federal Register announcement is located in Appendix A.

Does that help?

-- Evelyn Ford

Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrator
Department of Human Genetics
MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine
AUHS Allegheny Campus
Pittsburgh PA 15212-4772
412.359.4475 voice
412.359.4377 fax

>>> Mike McCallister <xxxxxx@ATHENA.UALR.EDU> 01/25 11:36 AM >>>
I understand from my grants accountant that there is a newish USDE reg that
states that carryforward is automatic unless an exception is placed in the
award document. I've a project that was in effect at the time that the reg
was put in place.  Does anyone know if that carryforward reg is
retroactive?  The program officer tells the PI that this is true but is
hesitant to give me anything in writing.  I suspect this person may be
shooting fromteh hip to satisfy a rather persistent PI.  But I've not a
speck of backup and am hesitant to take this one on faith.


Mike (Spanky) McCallister, Ph. D.
Director, Research and Sponsored programs
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204-1099
501-569-8657 (v)
501-569-3039 (f)

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