Date sent: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 11:01:35 -0800
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From: "Mary T. Spina, CRA" <xxxxxx@CHARLIE.CNS.IIT.EDU>
Subject: Faculty incentives?
> Hello everyone --
> I am trying to find out what other institutions are doing about incentives
> for faculty to write/conduct research. If you could answer the following
> questions, it would be very helpful to our future direction here.
> 1) At IIT, for those faculty on a nine-month academic appointment, they
> can elect to take one month summer salary support from external grant
> funding. Additional compensation for the summer requires one day of the
> academic year charge-off for each day of the summer salary in excess of
> the first summer month up to three summer months of salary (for example,
> if the faculty member has one month of academic year salary covered, they
> can request two summer months). Does your institution require anything
> similar? Or is there no restriction (unless the sponsor imposes it) on
> the number of summer months salary requested?
We do not have any long as they are not on
contract then we let them take summer salary support for any part
of the three months.
> 2) Is any portion of your indirect cost recovery returned to the PI
> and/or the department? If so, what percentage?
We return 25% to the college and 25% to the department. Most of
our PIs are well aware of this and negotiate with their chair and
sometimes dean for some of that money.
> 3) Does your institution have any other incentives for faculty?
We also provide Faculty Research grants to collect initial data, re-
assigned time to develop major proposals, institutional funds to use
for matching, an intensive, 2-week grant proposal development
workshop during Intersession for which they can receive a stipend if
they develop and submit a proposal, travel funds to visit program
officers and to present research results at conferences, the usual
press releases about their awards, and yes, we've even been
known to take a cup of cappuccino to those burning the midnight
Deborah S. Walz, Ed.D.
Office of Sponsored Programs Phone: 501/450-3451
University of Central Arkansas Fax: 501/450-5339
201 Donaghey Avenue Homepage:
Conway, AR 72035-0001