Policies on Salaries Paid from Grant Funds Lee Wood 15 Jan 1999 12:48 EST

At 09:00 PM 1/14/99, Judy Wilks wrote:
>Date:    Tue, 12 Jan 1999 11:24:38 -0600
>From:    Judy Wilks <xxxxxx@MAILHOST.TCS.TULANE.EDU>
>Subject: Policies on Salaries Paid from Grant Funds
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Dear Colleagues:
>Currently, salary raises for individuals paid from grants follow university
>guidelines in terms of the available pool.  Therefore, even if a higher
>salary was budgeted, the raise given does not exceed the pool unless the
>job description were to change.   Can you respond as to whether your
>institution follows an institution wide policy in this regard.  The
>argument from the researchers is they need to maintain a competitive work
>force and have to be able to offer increases to retain people who have
>experience.  Since there is little job security, it should be compensated
>somehow.  I look forward to your response.
>Judy Wilks
>Tulane University


Stanford University policy specifies that salary increases are awarded
according to University policy and are independent of salary increases that
may or may not have been budgeted into research proposals and awards.
Otherwise, investigators may induce salary imbalances and inequities into
the structure that will persist long after the research award in question
has terminated.

Certainly, an investigator would not countenance a zero increase for her
staff just because she had forgotten to figure it into a grant application?

R. Lee Wood
Team Lead, Medical School Team
Grant and Contract Accounting
Stanford University
651 Serra Street, Room 110
Stanford, CA 94305-6215
Phone: (650)723-5681
Fax:   (650)725-4598
Email: xxxxxx@stanford.edu
