Response to FIPSE Cancellation?
Barbara Gray 14 Jan 1999 16:55 EST
We are one of the institutions with a pending FIPSE pre-proposal. There
was a little discussion on the list this morning about pressing AASCU to
get involved in this issue followed by a caution about "lobbying." I
would like to hear from more of you, with perhaps more experience in
advocacy at the federal level, about how, if at all, your institution is
going to respond. I'm not that familiar with AASCU--are they the right
folks to contact? Are their other associations that should get
involved? Should congressional representatives be contacted? With
having a pre-proposal in the hopper, would my institution be better off
lying low? If we don't express our opinions, then we have no right to
complain if FIPSE changes in a way that we don't like or disappears all
together. I will gladly have my provost or president send letters, but
only after I've assured myself that it won't come back to haunt us
later. Getting some more input from across the country will help me
make that decision. Thanks!
Barbara H. Gray, Director
Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Office: 843-953-5673
Direct: 843-953-5885
Fax: 843-953-6577
Campus Location: 407G Bell Bldg.