Re: FIPSE cancellation Mike McCallister 14 Jan 1999 15:27 EST

I'm sort of tickled about this FIPSE announcement.  Some of the Missouri
delegation tried to get a project for my former (shouting and cheering
about "former" here) university forced through FIPSE last year.  It didn't
happen.  I went to DC with my Pres, Provost, and other Big Dogs for a
meeting with the FIPSEoids.  They were neither happy nor comfortable with
the attempt and saw the  phenomenon as the harbinger of a tacky trend.
Having had that experience, I'm not surprised that they took this step.
FIPSE shouldn't be reduced to pork, that's for sure.  It's already too
small for the number of good ideas brougth forward.  Good for them for
taking a stand.

I won't mention that it was a Republican pork attempt.  That would be in
poor taste.


>RESADM-ers and PODers--
>Have you seen this morning's Chronicle summary?  If not, here's their lead
>*  DESPITE HAVING EVALUATED 1,700 grant applications that it had
>   solicited, the U.S. Education Department is canceling its
>   annual competition for the Fund for the Improvement of
>   Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) because members of Congress
>   want the money spent on projects specified by them.
>This is outrageous.  FIPSE is the only federal program which concentrates on
>innovation in higher ed (though others sometimes reward it); we can't
>afford to
>let it go down the tubes.
>I've just sent it to my chancellor and asked him to pressure AASCU to
>object as
>strenuously as they can.  I urge you all to speak with your
>presidents/chancellors and whomever else you think can exert some pressure.
>Bill Campbell
>Director, Grants & Research
>University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Mike (Spanky) McCallister, Ph. D.
Director, Research and Sponsored programs
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204-1099
501-569-8657 (v)
501-569-3039 (f)
