Re: Policies on Salaries Paid from Grant Funds
Pam Whitlock 14 Jan 1999 12:37 EST
We follow university policy.
Judy Wilks wrote:
> Dear Colleagues:
> Currently, salary raises for individuals paid from grants follow university
> guidelines in terms of the available pool. Therefore, even if a higher
> salary was budgeted, the raise given does not exceed the pool unless the
> job description were to change. Can you respond as to whether your
> institution follows an institution wide policy in this regard. The
> argument from the researchers is they need to maintain a competitive work
> force and have to be able to offer increases to retain people who have
> experience. Since there is little job security, it should be compensated
> somehow. I look forward to your response.
> Thanks,
> Judy Wilks
> Tulane University
> *******************************************************
> Judy Wilks
> Tulane University
> Office of Research
> (504) 865-5272
> fax (504) 862-8674
> =============================================================================
Pamela B. Whitlock
Director, Office of Research Administration
601 S College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-3297
(910)962-3167 voice
(910)962-4011 fax