Seeking advice.
We wish to set up for receipt of awards by e-mail. This is our current
thinking. Any input will be helpful.
We will have a unique e-mail address for award reciept and no other
purpose. To minimize the possibility of a change being made to the award
document, we will have each incomming e-mail directed, electronically, to a
separate file, in a subdirectory devoted to this purpose (probably still on
OIT's mail server). A number of people will receive read/copy privileges
in this subdirectory, but write and move privileges will be reserved to OIT
staff. Periodically, the files will be archived elsewhere, with the same
style of privileges.
The purpose is to parallel the thinking of a paper system where the ink
signed original is preserved in an archive, and copies go to each user.
Any improvements in this plan will be greatly appreciated.
Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Comonwealth University
PO BOX 980568
Richmond, VA 23298-0568
Express Delivery Only:
Sanger Hall, Rm. 1-073
11th & Marshall Streets
Richmond, VA 23219
Voice: 804-828-6772
Fax 804-828-2521
OFFICE e-mail xxxxxx@VCU.EDU
Personal e-mail