Re: Streamlining subcontract review process Diane McLean 16 Dec 1998 19:16 EST

Our subcontracts are all handled within the university. We require that
certain information be submitted from the subcontractor, but the process
is pretty straightforward. If the subcontractor has been used before,
and is in our computer system, a subcontract can be in place within a
couple of days.

When the state uses the university as a subcontractor, a reimburseable
services agreement is used. The approving authority is the particular
department's administrative division. If the terms of the agreement are
readily agreeable to all parties, a RSA can be executed in a week or
less. The only time that the state's Department of Administration enters
into the process is if the agreement contains exceptional terms, the
initiating department requests assistance, or a conflict between the
initiating department's administration and the requesting office cannot
be resolved.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Diane McLean, Manager
Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P. O. Box 757560
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7560
Phone: (907)474-7765; Fax: (907)474-1836
