Re: First theorem of communication Ruth Tallman 18 Nov 1998 12:39 EST


We have a techno-junkie like that and d'you know what his voice
mail message is:  "You can leave a message if you want but I
check my e-mail more frequently.  Please send me e-mail."?!!

Ruth Tallman
Lehigh Univ.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Peter J. Dolce [SMTP:xxxxxx@CCVAX.MMC.EDU]
Sent:   Wednesday, November 18, 1998 11:55 AM
Subject:        First theorem of communication

The time required to contact a PI is directly proportional to the number
of phone numbers she has--i.e. a PI who has lab and office phones plus a
pager and a cell phone is four times as hard to reach as one with just a
lab phone.

Has anyone else found this to be the case?
Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D., Director
Office of Research Support Services
Meharry Medical College
Nashville, TN  37208
P (615) 327 6703
F (615) 327 6716