Re: A-21 &F&A rates for the life of the spon ag
Farnsworth, Franci 11 Nov 1998 12:50 EST
In general, D: We use the rate in the PROPOSED BUDGET.
Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Grants Office - Munford House
Middlebury, VT 05753
fax: 802-443-2081
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martha Taylor [SMTP:xxxxxx@MAIL.AUBURN.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 12:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: A-21 &F&A rates for the life of the spon ag
> Dear RESADM-L-ers:
> We have a small difference of opinion here today about A-21 and the
> requirements in section G.7. about fixed F&A rates for the life of a
> sponsored agreement. I would like to survey the group and ask for a
> response to the following multiple choice question. How do you handle the
> requirements in G.7. when your rate changes? (choose one)
> A. We leave the rate exactly the way it was at the time the award was
> signed and became effective.
> B. We change the rate down whenever a new lower rate becomes
> effective
> regardless of what the regulations say or the budget will support.
> C. If we know in advance of award acceptance that our rate will
> change on a
> date certain, we negotiate the changes when we negotiate the award and
> then
> change the rate when the rate becomes effective.
> D. We leave the rate exactly as it was proposed and awarded for all
> years
> until we have to resubmit a competing continuation/renewal proposal.
> E. Other (please provide brief explanation)
> It seems clear to me but I felt a need to ask the experts. Thanks.