Administrative Note.... (Re: How we made it work.) mlv03@xxxxxx 28 Sep 1998 12:54 EST

As I'm sure you all know, this is an "Unmoderated" and an "Open" list.
"Unmoderated" means that anyone can post to the list without the message
needing approval from the list owners.  "Open" means that anyone can join
the list without the subscription needing approval from the list owners.
It is unavoidable that this kind of post will occur.  When this kind of
message is posted, we remove the subscriber from the list immediately.
There is no need to reply to junk email, as by the time anyone replies, I
have already removed the person from the list, and because of that they
won't get your message anyways. So you're only filling up the list with
more junk emails.... <grin>

-- Mike Varney / RESADM-L Admin.

Tara <> on 09/28/98 10:57:37 AM

Please respond to Research Administration Discussion List

cc:    (bcc: Mike L. Varney/HRI/DOH)
Subject:  Re: How we made it work.

To Whom it May Concern:

What the hell is this?  I am wonder why something like this has been posted
to the list?  If I wanted to learn to get rich I would stay up all night
watch in-fa-mercials!!!  I was led to believe that this was a professional

Not inconvenience but disappointed,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List []On Behalf
> Of Babbit L
> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 1998 9:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: How we made it work.
> Hello,
> Some months ago my girlfriend and I started with an online opportunity
> to earn some extra money. We did that after reading an e-mail like
> this one. First of all we want to emphasise that we do not want to
> inconvenience anyone by sending this e-mail. We only want to tell
> you that this program worked very well for us and brought us financial
> freedom. If you are interested to read more please go to our homepage:


Michael G.

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