JIT Hastings, Kari 17 Sep 1998 13:03 EST

The comments about timely review of Human and Animal studies protocols
may be very relevant but I am confused.    I recently submitted a JIT
submission for a NIH Career Development award and the instructions did
not include any mention of the IRB and IACUC  approvals, which were
still required with the grant or within sixty days of submission
deadline. In other words same old, same old. Under what circumstances
does JIT  permit  deferral of these approvals? It seems to me there can
be, and not so infrequently are,  major concerns affecting risks to
subjects that are very relevant to the review process and the NIH
reviewers want to have the benefit of the local IRB's review during
their deliberations.  But then, maybe I have missed something and if so,
I would appreciate hearing about it.