We pot for number four on "Just in Time" and SNAP.
Tom Wilson
At 08:27 AM 9/15/98 -0400, you wrote:
>NIH now requires little budget detail under "Just-in-Time" procedures in
>place for many programs. I'd like to know what level of budget detail you
>are requiring (for your files) from your PI's at the time these NIH
>proposals are approved for submission. As far as I can see there are four
>1) Same level of detail as in the past, with the completed NIH forms
>(whether or not they're submitted)
>2) Same level of detail as in the past, but handwritten forms or a different
>format is acceptable
>3) More details than NIH, but only enough to substantiate the yearly totals
>(any format)
>4) Only the NIH-required forms (all detailed budget review will take place
>at the time of any award)
>I'd be glad to summarize replies -- and feel free to share any other options
>that I've missed.
>Frances Vinal Farnsworth
>Coordinator of Sponsored Research
>External Affairs Building
>Middlebury, VT 05753
>fax: 802-443-2081
Thomas E. Wilson
Director, Sponsored Programs
Baylor College of Medicine
phone: 713-798-6970
fax: 713-798-6990
email: xxxxxx@bcm.tmc.edu