Re: Graduate Tuition on Research Grant
Peter J. Dolce 07 Sep 1998 09:32 EST
Compensation to students on grants from the Public Health Service may
take the form of tuition remission "as or in lieu of" salary and wages.
(The phrase appears in the Public Health Service Grants Policy
Statement). We pay it "in lieu of"--i.e., we list it in the "Other"
category of the application, and pay it directly to the school. It can
also be paid "as" salary--i.e., you pay the money to the student, and
it's up to the student to pay his or her own tuition. I never
understood "as or in lieu of" until a PHS officer told us we could only
pay tuition as salary to the student. That didn't work for us--the
school expects tuition in a lump sum, and if we paid it as salary the
student would receive it in 26 installments; further, we'd never paid
tuition as salary before. Once I pointed out that we were paying "in
lieu of," the feds let us do it.
Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D., Director
Office of Research Support Services
Meharry Medical College
Nashville, TN 37208
P (615) 327 6703
F (615) 327 6716