Re: On-line approval forms and purpose of S_HUARD@xxxxxx 19 Aug 1998 06:31 EST

InfoEd (the SPIN/GENIUS/SMARTS folks) also has a web-based proposal development
and approval system, with built-in security (remember that transmissions on the
web are not secured unless you've built in the security). The proposals can be
submitted electronically and then feed into a proposal tracking system.

Attaching web pages to a back-end database like Access through mechanisms
such as Cold Fusion or interactive PDF forms is not a simple feat.  There are
steep learning curves with each of these approaches.  (At least that's my
initial observation after attending labs on this topic at the ERA conference).

Good luck!
 Suzanne Huard
 Mgr, Information Systems & Technology              Tel:   603-862-2005
 Office of Sponsored Research                       Fax:   603-862-3564
 University of New Hampshire
 Durham, NH  03824                      E-Mail: