Research Day Marianne G. Kaplan 31 Jul 1998 09:35 EST

We have typically held research day which highlights senior residents in
the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:  we hold a buffet
luncheon, an afternoon of research presentations, followed by a light
reception.  Getting senior faculty/attendings to attend has always been an
issue - typically the sponsor or mentor for a specific resident will show
for his/her presentation and then leave.  A few will stay longer -- we are
thinking of breaking up the presentations next year into two segments,
hoping to capture a larger audience if we are only asking them for an hour
or so of their time -- rather than an afternoon.

We are also holding an institute-wide research week this year, with events
spread out over 4 days - focusing on clinical (primarily nursing/allied
health) professionals and our research faculty, engineers and staff.  This
worked well as a one-day open house last year -- a lot of pre-event hype on
our part, a scavenger hunt with a prize attached was a big success.
Ensured that folks visited each of the labs or areas of interest on the

Marianne Kaplan

Marianne G. Kaplan
Administrative Supervisor
Department of Research
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago/
Administrator, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Northwestern University Medical School/
Executive Secretary,
American Spinal Injury Association
345 E. Superior Street, Rm. 1436
Chicago, IL  60611
voice:  312-908-6207
fax:  312-503-0869