(Posted to the list for common knowledge)
Instructions for the RESADM-L listserv (not just subscription commands, but
other commonly used commands) are located at http://www.hrinet.org - -
click on the "ListServ Lists" link, then on the "Instructions" link.
-- Mike
Esther Dominguez <xxxxxx@PANAM.EDU> on 07/29/98 03:41:18 PM
Please respond to Research Administration Discussion List
To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
cc: (bcc: Mike L. Varney/HRI/DOH)
Subject: How to subscribe
Greetings from South Texas!
Will somebody please send me the address and instructions to subscribe to
the discussion group. Please respond directly to me at
xxxxxx@panam.edu. Thanks in advance.
Esther Dominguez
Office of Sponsored Projects
University of Texas-Pan American
International Trade & Technology Bldg. 1.404B
phone: (956)384-5004
fax: (956)381-2322