I can tell you all, from experience...
The Eppley address is correct...but as a rule of thumb:
Never send applications to small foundations by overnight mail. They do
not like it.
At 03:49 PM 7/29/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I've had Federal Express say the address for NASA Headquarters was not
correct - it's possible the delivery company just made a mistake. Can you
verify the address through telephone information?
>Susan Hawkins
>Contract Administrator for Subcontracts
>Univ of Alabama in Huntsville
>Phone: 256/890-6000 ext. 237
>Fax: 256/890-6677
>-----Original Message-----
>From: alison brown [SMTP:xxxxxx@BIDMC.HARVARD.EDU]
>Sent: Wednesday, 29 July, 1998 3:22 PM
>To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
>Subject: eppley foundation
>An investigator submitted an application to the Eppley Foudation for
>Research. Our delivery company returned it to us, saying there was no such
>address. The address I have (245 Park Avenue, NY, NY) matches what is
>listed on all the material from Eppley. The foundation won't accept phone
>calls or faxes and will only correspond in writing (which I would be glad to
>do if I could get something in writing to them!) Any advice?
>Attachment Converted: "C:\ALNET_WS\EUDORA\Attach\Re eppley foundation"