Re: State Indirect Cost Rates Gary Chaffins 24 Jul 1998 15:01 EST

 Our policy is we recover the "A" component (currently at 26%) of the
 F&A (indirect cost) under the presumption (we know this is erroneous)
 that the state legislature, through its appropriations has paid or is
 paying for our facilities costs.  We have had some exceptions but they
 are relatively rare.  When the issue comes up we have argued, and
 generally successfully, that if we do not recover our administrative
 costs then in effect, the appropriation for higher education is
 subsidizing other state entity activities in contravention of
 legislative intent.

 For federal and non-federal flow through we expect to see our full
 federal rate or the rate if capped by the federal or non-federal
 award.  Again there are some exceptions.


 Gary Chaffins
 Research Services and Administration University of Oregon
 (541)346-2395 FAX (541)346-0725

______________________________ Reply Separator
_________________________________ Subject: State Indirect Cost Rates
Author:  Research Administration Discussion List <> at
Date:    7/24/98 10:00 AM

The Question(s):

Do your State Agencies allow your institution to recover indirect
costs for projects under their sponsorship?   Can you recover your
full negotiated rate?  If not , what is the rate they allow?

This has become an issue in Florida. We are only allowed 5% of TDC in
these instances.




Gerald N. Goldberger, Ph.D.
Director, Sponsored Research
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33341
(561) 297-2310
(561) 297-2319 (Fax)