Grant writing training -Reply
William Campbell 24 Jul 1998 07:05 EST
Mary, we do something like that here--once a month during the academic year
we'll do a brown-bag on a specific grant opportunity: FIPSE, or Fulbright, or
USDA Challenge (we have an ag school), or NSF DUE, or a state-sponsored
program. We've found that faculty are much more likely to listen to other
faculty than to me, so we always ask someone who has been successful with the
grant opportunity we are targeting to join us.
I'll usually begin by saying a few words about the intent of the program, how
proposals will be read, and the chances of success, then ask the successful
applicant to speak for 5-10 minutes on his/her experiences in writing the
proposal and running the program. The rest of the hour is devoted to Q&A and
discussion. I frequently go around the room and ask attendees what their
specific ideas are so that we can get beyond the general.
Has this process resulted in any successful grant applications? Yes, but not
many. I think of this process as general PR--part of the continuing effort to
make our office visible as a helpful entity.
Regards, Bill Campbell
Director of Grants & Research
University of Wisconsin-River Falls