Re: Retention of Non-Funded Proposals
Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 22 Jul 1998 17:40 EST
At Cal Poly we only retain paper copies of proposals. Our retention
duration is somewhat dependent on space available. We
currently retain unfunded proposals for approximately 3 years after they
have been declined. At that point we retun them to the PI who wrote them.
Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
Grants Development Office
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
PHONE: (805)756-2982
FAX: (805)756-5466
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, McCann, John wrote:
> I'm interested to know how long your SRO offices retain non-funded
> proposal copies in both paper and disk formats. Thanks.
> John McCann, Ph.D.
> Academic Grants Program Manager
> Office of the Academic Vice President and Provost
> The Evergreen State College
> Olympia, WA 98505
> Phone: 360-866-6000 ext 6045
> Fax: 360-866-6823
> E-Mail: