Faculty Incentives -Reply
Mary Ann Jurgus 16 Jul 1998 10:06 EST
At one point I had posed a question to the group relative to incentives, I can only tell you that I did not get one reply. Hope you do better! AND, if you do, I would definitely appreciate it if you could share your information.
Mary Ann Jurgus, Manager
Research Administrative Services
Loyola University @ Medial Center
2160 S. First Ave. - 120/400
Maywood, Il. 60153
p: 708-216-4288
f: 708-216-5881
e: xxxxxx@wpo.it.luc.edu
>>> "Catherine J. Diaz" <xxxxxx@SHCC.ORG> 7/15/98 5:34 pm >>>
Hi there,
I'm in the process of creating a "investigator incentive"
program and seek statistical material to reference on
motivating (and non-motivating) factors relative to PI's.
I'm also looking at what PI's feel is most important to
them, for example; 1st=salaries, 2nd=their projects,
3rd=dept, 4th=institution, and so on.
I look forward to your input.
Thank you.
Research Administrator
Shriners Children's Hospital
Research Department
3101 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, Oregon 97201-3095
Phone: (503) 221-3440
Fax: (503) 221-3451
E-mail: xxxxxx@shcc.org