Intellectual Property expenses Howard, Charles 13 Jul 1998 13:41 EST

Greetings all-

We are in the process of reviewing the Intellectual Property Policies
at the University of Northern Colorado. Although we are considering
all issues related to copyright and ownership by faculty/university,
we will be especially examining the current concerns about works set
in electronic media.

One issue that keeps coming up from our faculty representatives is
money.  They have raised questions about development costs and about
splitting the proceeds once co-ownership has been established.

I would appreciate input from those who can give us some insight as
well as facts and figures about:

1. Who pays for the development/marketing costs?  Faculty?
University?  Shared?  If shared, what kind of formula?

2. What is the split of net royalties/profits between the faculty
member and the university?  Please give percentages or your formula?
When does the split kick in?  After development expenses?  After
subtraction of ongoing marketing expenses?

Any information you can give us about the money issues would be
helpful.  You can reply on line or to me directly.  I'll post a
summary later.

Chuck Howard
University of Northern Colorado Research Corporation