Re: setting up a filing system James W. Maddison 13 Jul 1998 08:42 EST


Our office restructured our filing system recently.  We are a pre-award and
post-award office.  The system we came up with is pretty simple once you
get used to it.  Our labels look like this and contain the following

PI Last Name, First Initial                     Internal Accounting #
Sponsor                                 Sponsor PO #
Project Dates                                   OSP Internal Tracking Number

We also have our system color coded.  Manilla folders are for proposals.
Red folders are for funded projects.  Green folders are for sub-contracts.
Blue folders are for other items that may come up.

Every single piece of paper related to a certain project is held in these

Hope this helps.

-Jim Maddison
Research Administrator
RIT Research Corporation

At 08:05 AM 7/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
>hi folks-
>i have just started a new job in the school-level osr office at
>gw.  the office is responsible for both pre- and post-award
>activities.  in the past, the only structured filing system has
>been for the post-award fiscal activities-primarily the requests
>for payment, payroll actions, etc.  consequently, all the files
>are arranged by university account number.
>since i come from a pre-award background, i want to maintain
>files that contain submission materials, award documents, and
>post-award PAS-type actions.  AND, i want to file by PI name.
>since i don't want to upset the accounting person's system, i've
>been thinking about maintaining a dual system - one pre- and
>post-award "documents" (by PI) and the other for accounting
>purposes (by account #).
>any suggestions, comments?
>also (and i think we've talked about this before, just can't
>remember when), can anyone recommend an off-the-shelf grants
>accounting package suitable for the school-level office?  does
>anyone have a home-grown pet they'd be willing to discuss?
>thanks for your help....
>Susan Burke
>Sponsored Programs Specialist
>School of Engineering and Applied Science
>The George Washington University
>725 23rd Street NW, Suite 109
>Washington, DC 20052
>Telephone: 202/944-1805
>Fax: 202/994-0092