Unless things at NSF have changed recently, you can order 90 days prior to
the start date of the grant, but,as you say, it's at your own risk. If
funding fails to materialize, your institution will have to bear
responsibility for the cost of the equipment
Margaret B. Fischer
Director of Museum Operations
Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas
2400 Trinity
Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512-471-1604 Fax: 512-471-4794
At 01:16 PM 07/09/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>This is probably a fairly basic question but I can't seem to see a clear
>answer in the NSF GPM:
>If we've submitted a proposal to NSF for a piece of equipment which has a
>long ordering time can we place the order before we find out whether we're
>getting the grant (and accept the consequences if we don't get the grant)?
>Or must we wait before placing an order until we actually know that we're
>getting the grant?
>Frances Vinal Farnsworth
>Coordinator of Sponsored Research
>Forest Hall
>Middlebury, VT 05753
>fax: 802-443-2081