Yes, this is an allowable expenditure as long as you meet all State firearm
regulations. We have had several instances where it has been necessary,
because of the location of field work and dangerous bears, to purchase
firearms off federal grants/contracts. I'd also check with your Public
Safety Department on campus for discussions on restrictions, policies, etc.
Paul Parker
>This is not a facetious question. We have really been asked this by a P.I.
>Can you purchase firearms on a federal grant? We have a P.I. who would
>like to purchase a "gun" (rifle?) on a grant and we haven't found anything
>that says this can or can't be done, at least in the NSF regs.
>My questioner assures me that this is a serious question and that the P.I.
>wants to use the gun for protection from "wild" animals on a field trip.
>Has anyone else encountered a "similar" situation?
>Thank you.
>Phyllis T. Shaw
>Research Accountant
>Financial Affairs
>University of Arkansas
>Fayetteville, AR 72701
Paul C. Parker, Director
Sponsored Funds Administration
State University of New York
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
607-777-6752 fax 607-777-4354